Fall Landscaping Tips and Tricks For Your Custom Home
If you’ve just built your own custom home, it’s likely that you care about your landscaping and want to make sure it’s taken care of over the fall and winter; at Omega Homes, we know the value of a beautiful lawn that you can be proud of during every season! This is why we want to help you make sure that your home (inside and out) is ready for the cold with these simple custom home landscaping tips. By following these simple tricks and tips, you’ll ensure that your landscaping is ready to make it through the fall and winter, and come out blooming on the other side!
Aerate Your Lawn
One of our most popular and effective custom home landscaping tips is our recommendation to aerate your lawn. Throughout the summer, your lawn can really take a beating with games of soccer, gardening, and other activities that take place on the grass. By the end of the summer, the soil under your lawn may have become compact and dense, making it harder for water to penetrate and for grass to grow. By aerating your lawn in the fall either manually or with help from a machine, you can be sure that your lawn will be healthy, porous, and ready to grow next spring.
Feed Your Grass
Although many of your plants and flowers will begin to wither in the cold, your grass can actually continue growing until it’s as low as four degrees Celsius. This is why when considering custom home landscaping tips, it’s important to prioritize feeding your grass all throughout the fall until it’s clear that it has stopped growing for the season. To make sure that your lawn comes back and better than ever before in spring, you need to feed it in the fall to help keep it healthy. We recommend that you apply a high-phosphorus mix (12-25-12) to your grass to encourage root growth!
Mow One More Time
When the weather is getting to the point that your grass is no longer growing, this is the time to give it a final mow. Some homeowners think that the final mow of the season is frivolous and unnecessary, and we understand that after a whole summer of mowing the lawn, you’re not exactly itching to mow it one last time, however, there are several benefits to following these custom home landscaping tips! We recommend that you cut your grass to about 1 ¼ inch for the final mow; this is because disease has a harder time penetrating short grass and fallen leaves will blow across your lawn because they have nothing to latch on to!
Prune Your Trees And Shrubs
Pruning your trees and shrubs can be a form of art that both benefits the look of your home as well as your safety. Out of all of our custom home landscaping tips, this one is the trickiest because you need to be thoughtful and thorough when pruning in order to get aesthetic results and to ensure that the branches of your trees and shrubs won’t grow wildly over the fall and winter. When done properly, pruning can allow you to choose the direction of the branches’ growth, ensuring that they won’t grow into your windows, your wiring, your vehicles, or your eavestrough. Pruning can also protect your home from potential falling branches during fall and winter storms.
Plant Spring Bulbs
One of the great joys of spring for many gardeners is to see tulips and other spring flowers poking through the snow. Out of all of our custom home landscaping tips, this one is the prettiest and the most hopeful for the warm weather to come! When fall arrives, take the time to plant your spring bulbs so they’ll begin growing at the first sign of spring and jump-start you on your warm-weather gardening. Try planting tulips, crocuses, or daffodils and ensure that they’re planted in a space that receives plenty of sunlight (at least 6 hours daily), and before you know it those beautiful flowers will be poking through the soil and letting you know that spring is on its way!
Mulch Your Young Plants
Before you wrap up your gardening for the year, make sure that you’re giving your young plants all of the nutrients they need to survive the winter and to grow strong in the spring. Give your flower, plant, and tree beds a layer of nutrient-rich mulch (chopped leaves, weed-free straw, and wood chips are all great choices) after the first light frost but before the ground gets the chance to freeze. By mulching your plant beds, you’re giving your plants one more great meal with everything they need before it begins to get cold ensuring that they’ll be strong and healthy for when spring rolls around.
Design and create your perfect landscaping and garden with Omega Homes.
Your dream home is just a phone call away.
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We don’t just build you a house, we build you a home. We assemble the top architects, designers, and trades personnel to work in conjunction with our experienced and licensed staff in order to make your dream home a reality. As a Tarion Custom Home Design-Builder, we feel it is our responsibility to be adaptable to each client’s individual needs. There’s no job we can’t handle, and we will do whatever it takes to meet your requests with high-quality results. Our architects and designers are always looking for new and exciting challenges, so the only limit is your imagination.
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