Security Features To Consider For Your Custom Home
Depending on where you live, you may have different views on whether or not home security features are necessary. Regardless of whether or not you live in a crime-prone area, you should consider including some level of security features in your custom home because it’s a large investment of time and money, and it should be protected as such. It’s not just about protection though, the more security features you include in your custom home, the greater your peace of mind will be.
Windows and Doors
When it comes to securing your custom home, before you get into the high-end security features, one of the first things you need to consider is the security level of your windows and doors. While Ottawa homeowners won’t need to go as far as to include bulletproof doors and windows, there are some things you should consider. First and foremost, you’ll want to install a high-quality security system that has sensors on all of your windows and doors, taking some time to research providers and find a reputable security source. Another feature you should consider to secure the doors of your custom home is smart locks. There are various levels and price points of smart locks available, but all of them ensure you’ll never forget to lock your door again, and you’ll never have to turn around to go back to check if you locked up.
Protect Your Valuables
Even a custom home with the highest-end security features can fall prey to burglars. Should someone make it past your custom home’s other security defences, you’ll want your valuables to be protected. The best way to do this is to install a safe in the floor of your master bedroom or somewhere in your closet and have it built into the wall or floor to make it harder to move. Having a safe is also a good idea to protect your valuables and important documents in the event of a fire or natural disaster because most high-end safes are fire and waterproof.
Surveillance Cameras
Security cameras used to be considered a luxury security feature, but advancements in technology have made them an easily installed security feature for any custom home, and they’re also relatively affordable depending on which model you choose. Whether you choose to go with a high-end model or a low-end model, you can relax knowing that someone is always watching your home, even if you can’t. The nice thing about many of the security cameras on the market today is that they can be accessed using your wireless devices. The remote capabilities allow you to easily check up on your property from anywhere at any time, and many of them will also alert you if they detect unusual movement. Another benefit of having security cameras is you can check to see if there is wildlife outside your home, or make sure your teens don’t have any parties while you’re away on vacation.
Keep Your Packages Safe
Package theft is on the rise, and it’s a crime that affects every region regardless of the class or status of the neighbourhood. Security cameras are a great way to deter thieves and get evidence for the police in the event of a theft, but there are a handful of other things you can do as well. There are several secure delivery boxes and smart delivery safes available now that can keep your packages secure until you arrive home, but you can also opt for a more permanent solution. When you are designing your custom home, one of the security features you should consider is including a permanent delivery dropbox. Similar to the dropboxes at the library or the bank, having a permanent dropbox ensures what goes in can’t be taken out by thieves. It can be designed to look modern and sleek so that the only one who knows it’s there is you and the delivery person.
Secure Your Entrance
All of the security features above are excellent ways to protect your custom home, but few things will make you feel as secure as a high-quality gate to protect your front entrance. Entrance gates allow you to have complete control over who can and can’t access your property, whether you’re trying to keep out burglars or door-to-door salesmen. There are many features you can include as well, such as remote access, keypad access, an intercom, and even additional security cameras so you can see who is at your gate. In addition to the security features that entrance gates offer, they also add an incredible amount of curb appeal to any custom home. An elegant entrance gate can make any home look like a castle while protecting it like one too.
Design a custom home that’s worth protecting with Omega Homes!
Custom Home Building Process
At Omega, it’s important to us that our clients know what to expect when we start the process of building their custom home. We’re there for you every step of the way, from finding the perfect lot to picking out the final intricate details that will turn your custom build into your dream home. Once your home is complete, we will be available to you for any warranty concerns and all necessary aftercare.
Before we start any build, we take the time to sit down with clients and discuss exactly what they want. Involving our clients in the design process ensures that they get a home unique to their taste that they will love for years to come. We openly discuss budgets with every client and break down the costs associated with building a custom home so that our clients are never left in the dark.
About Omega
We don’t just build you a house, we build you a home. We assemble the top architects, designers, and trades personnel to work in conjunction with our experienced and licensed staff in order to make your dream home a reality. As a Tarion Custom Home Design-Builder, we feel it is our responsibility to be adaptable to each client’s individual needs. There’s no job we can’t handle, and we will do whatever it takes to meet your requests with high-quality results. Our architects and designers are always looking for new and exciting challenges, so the only limit is your imagination.
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